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We continually strive to give you the latest information about varicose veins. For even more information, please go to LAVE.MD.com

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Ouch, My Veins Hurt

Ever wondered why varicose veins can hurt so much? Well, here's why. There are nerves that run on the outside of the veins. As the vein enlarges, it stretches these nerves causing pain. The more you stand, the more blood stretches the veins which stretches the nerves which causes pain. Typically, the pain is a burning or tingling or even a numbness that worsens the longer you are on your feet. Getting off your feet, putting your legs up or just getting the veins fixed by your friendly Phlebologist will usually make the discomfort go away. What kind of leg pain do you have?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Varicose Veins are Hereditary

Did you know that varicose veins are hereditary?  In fact, if one of your parents has varicose veins, you have a 45% chance of having them too.  If both parents have them, your chance is an astounding 92%.  The treatment for varicose veins has dramatically improved over the years.  Back in the good old days, we surgeons did the vein stripping procedure and about half of the veins came back!  Now, we have new laser based procedures that are 98% successful, done in the office and have immediate return to normal activity.  Find out more at LAVEMD.com